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MBHT 泌乳孕婦按摩證書 】Certificate of Massage for Lactating Pregnant Women


Exclusive mommy massage essential oil, relieve muscle pain and cramps, and eliminate anxiety .


Boost blood circulation, improve sleep quality, eliminate edema, spa for pregnant women .


International Professional Certification Aromatherapy Canada

  • 孕婦SPA Pregnant SPA 

  • 背部舒壓 Back relief

  • 乳房硬塊 Lump in the breast

  • 乳腺阻塞(預防)Blocked ducts (prevention)

  • 乳房脹痛Breast tenderness

  • 專業無痛乳腺疏通Professional painless unclog milk ducts

  • 乳房保健按摩Breast health massage

  • 美胸美體 Breast and body 

  • 母乳不足 Insufficient breast milk


女孩各時期的乳房護理 -

-Breast care for woman in various periods-



Breast is a major symbol of women's sexual organs. It is not  only a sexy weapon to highlight the figure, but also a source of nourishment for future generations . Therefore, it is very important to take care of breast health.



The breast will go through several major periods, so how to perform breast care during these period?

嬰幼兒時期 Infancy 


cchildren from 2 months to about ten years old are infancy and childhood period .During this period, girls’ breasts are underdeveloped,Generally don’t get sick,No special protection required, Just don’t use your hands to knead or pinch the breasts.Do not engage in any actions that damage your breasts.


青春期 Puberty 

在青春期前期的乳房保護十一、二歲的女孩,一般乳房就開始發育。乳頭出現硬結并有輕微的脹疼,乳房慢慢豐滿起来,以後就進入青春發育期。這個時期要注意的是,女孩應當養成戴乳罩的習惯。乳罩大小要合適。乳罩太大了,對乳房起不到支托和保護作用; 乳罩太小了,會妨礙乳房的發育。如果女孩年滿十五歲,乳房還没有發育,就應到醫院去檢查。在青春期,由於人體内雌性激素的影響,乳房容易長良性腫瘤。所以一但發現乳房裡有腫塊,就應及時到醫院檢查,乳房腫塊要“三早”。

Breast protection in the prepubertal period of eleven to twelve year old  girls, generally breasts begin to develop.The nipples appear induration and slight swelling and pain, and the breasts gradually plump up, and then they will enter puberty.It should be noted during this period that girls should develop the habit of wearing bras.Bra size should be right. if the bra is too big ,the bra cant support and protect the breast , if it is too small it will hinder breast growth.If a girl is fifteen years old and her breasts have not yet developed, she should go to the hospital for examination. During puberty ,Due to the influence of estrogen in the human body,Breasts are prone to benign tumors.So as soon as you find a lumps in your breasts, you should go to the hospital for an examination in time. Breast lumps should be treat as soon as possible.

妊娠期 Pregnancy period


Generally during pregnancy ,woman breasts will increase significantly.During this period, pregnant women’s bust area will be wider, and need to pay attention to breast hygiene. Wash the nipples and areola gently with soap and warm water every day,Then wipe it with a towel, and then gradually switch to a thick towel. The purpose is to exercise the skin and enhance the ability of the skin to wear and rub.In this way, the nipples will not be bruised easily when breastfeeding the baby. In addition, after each wash, a layer of moisturizer should be applied to the nipple and areola to prevent the nipple from cracking.If pregnant women’s nipples are concave or flat, every day you have to gently pull outwards with your hands,or using a breast pump to pump.In this way, the nipples can be corrected, and the newborn will not have difficulty in feeding.

哺乳期 Lactation period


In this period, a woman's breasts will be a vigorous period of breast function.Pay attention to the cleanliness of the breasts during this period.Before each feeding, clean the nipples.Also pay attention to breastfeeding correctly, prevent milk accumulation.Generally mothers can breastfeed half an hour after giving birth, and then feed them every three to four hours, and try to empty the milk every time they feed.When breastfeeding, the breasts should be lifted up, and after breastfeeding hand massage along the direction of the breast duct.

更年期 / 老年期Menopause / old age


According to the investigation and analysis of breast protection during menopause and old age,Women after the age of forty, more easy to get breast cancer.So pay special attention to whether there are lumps in the breasts during this period.If you find a small hard block, the boundary is unclear,the surface is uneven, skin can't be pushed,and also milk secretion ,You should go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time.

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