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Fashion Stylist

何謂整體造型呢 ? 其實整體造型範圍很廣,涵蓋宴會舞台妝、新娘秘書、特殊造型、專業講師、美甲設計、美容保養等。比起彩妝師更多元,可以延伸的領域更廣,基本除了彩妝、美甲、美髮,還有服裝搭配和親自手作DIY飾品跟服裝。
What is fashion stylist ? In fact, fashion styling range is very wide, including stage makeup, bride makeup , special styling, professional lecturer, nail design, beauty care and so on. Compared with makeup artists, they are more diverse and can extend to a wider range. Basically, in addition to makeup, nails, hairdressing, as well as clothing matching and personally hand-made DIY accessories and clothing.

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